In a groundbreaking ruling at the High Court in Kampala, Justice Isaac Muwata has denied bail to Molly Katanga, a central figure in a case that has gripped the nation. Charged with the murder of her husband Henry Katanga in November 2023, Molly's bid for bail was met with a resolute decision by the court.
The trial, scheduled for July 2, 2024, looms as a pivotal moment in the legal saga surrounding Molly Katanga. Despite her plea for bail citing medical needs and her role as a caregiver, Justice Muwata underscored the necessity for her to remain incarcerated in preparation for the impending legal proceedings.
One of the key points of contention in the case was Molly's medical condition. Having undergone five surgeries and endured the amputation of a finger, Molly asserted that her health required specialized treatment beyond what Luzira prison could provide. However, Justice Muwata emphasized that the responsibility for certifying medical exceptions lies with the prison medical officers, a crucial factor in his decision to deny bail.
Throughout the proceedings, Molly's legal team, led by Peter Kabatsi and MacDusman Kabega, emphasized her standing as a law-abiding citizen and primary caregiver for her family. Yet, the prosecution, led by Chief State Attorney Samalie Wakooli, raised concerns about potential interference with ongoing investigations, further complicating the bail application.
Molly Katanga's absence from the courtroom, following the bail ruling via audio-visual link from Luzira Women's Prison, underscores the gravity of the situation. As the legal battle continues to unfold, the decision to deny bail to Molly Katanga marks a significant moment in the pursuit of justice and the complexities of navigating legal proceedings in high-profile cases.